Saturday, September 1, 2012

Love described or love defined

TO DESCRIBE LOVE OR DEFINE LOVE  are not similar statements. The latter can define or possess you; but the former cannot, as it is only a description of what is at work in you. Once you absolutize this "love" that is at work in you, you can either die for it or hurt or kill others for it. That's why there are people who are willing to die because of it, and these same people can also hurt or kill others for it. So never define or absolutize this "love" that is at work in you, so it cannot possess or define you, for once you absolutize or define it, it becomes your "God" who can possess you absolutely. Once this happens in you, you turn this God or "love" into a monster at work in you. Unlike the love that you describe that is at work in you and, therefore, it cannot define or possess you, as you cannot fully possess it. Only by defining it, not describing it, can it possess people or by people possessed by it. So love as described, is preferably better than love defined. Or, another way of saying it, God (or love) described, is preferably better than God (or love) defined. Both, however, are continually at work in each person's being. It is also at work in the life of each community, or nation, Christian or non-christian.

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