Saturday, August 11, 2012

1. Change may be the only constant in today's American economy.
2. Human capital is probably more important than physical capital now. . . .
3. A more constructive partnership between business and government is far more important than the
    dominance of either.
4. As we try to solve problems which arise out of the internationalization of American life and the changes in
    our own population, cooperation in every area is far more important than conflict. . . .We have to share
    responsibilities and opportunities -  we're going up or down together.
5. Waste is going to be punished. . .it appears to me that we are spending billions of dollars of investment
     capital increasing the debt of corporations without increasing their productivity. More debt should mean
     increased productivity, growth, and profitability. Now, it means, too often, less employment, less
    investment for research and development, and forced restructuring to service nonproductive debt. . . .
6. A strong America requires a resurgent sense of community, a strong sense of mutual obligations, and a
     conviction that we cannot pursue our individual interests independent of the needs of our fellow citizens. . . .
If we want to keep the American dream alive for our own people and preserve America's role in the world, we must accept the new rules of successful economic, political, and social life. And we must act on them.
*Part of Bill Clinton's 1992 presidential campaign speech. Taken from his book, My Life, pp. 326-327. (To
  win, Obama needs Bill Clinton's help). The "New Democrat Philosophy" is the antithesis of the
  Romney-Ryan neoconservative philosophy (pro-business/employer; anti-employee, anti-union. Distortion of
  John Rawls' "Justice as fairness" politics and economics).

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