Sunday, August 5, 2012

 The United States of America, then and Now: A Personal Reflection
America was born with one thing clear in the minds of its Founders - as bringers of light, true light, that goodness endowed in the human heart.  That goodness comes from a power beyond themselves. Although some of the pilgrims were Christians, like Jonathan Edwards, and the Quakers that settled in Pennsylvania. But the framers of the U.S. Constitution, according to Dr. James Saunders of Claremont School of Theology, were deists. The U.S. Constitution was never written on stones. It contained seven articles and subsequently the U.S. Congress introduced several amendments and in the 20th century several amendments were further introduced and ratified by the citizenry, for a total of twenty seven amendments. The original framers of the U.S. Constitution chose a representative government where the government of the people, by the people, and for the people, is established. But sadly, the present government has evolved where the government is actually governed by a few wealthy among the citizenry, approved by the U.S. Supreme Court, as lobbied by the Citizens United, a national coalition of monied people. Today, it's up to the citizenry to allow the new Republicans (neoconservatives who basically represent the face of greed) to win in the November 2012 elections.

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