Well, here's the latest news report published by San Diego Reader, March 7, 2013 Issue. The article is entitled "Fleeing Filner, San Diego Hoteliers Decamp for Texas" I'll copy the whole article:
For Texas governor Rick Perry, it was a matter of right place, right time. The Lone Star leader had been on a big-game hunting expedition in California, his sights set on the state's trophy businesses: Apple, Facebook,ebay, and more. "I understand that business owners in the Golden State are frustrated with excessive government strangulation - er, regulation," said Perry. "They're collapsing under burdensome tax rates levied by out-of-touch legislators who keep ouring money into the broken system that they created. The California government drilled holes in the bucket, and now they want more water from the guys who built the well. Well, enough is enough. I'm here to invite all y'all to Texas, where we will understand why people headed out West."
He was just wrapping up his visit with a couple of days of R&R in America's Finest City when he got wind of socialist overlord mayor Bob Filner pushing the city's hotels to fork over a chunk of their room fees and provide something he calls "a living wage" to the fortunate people who get to work in America's playland. "I was staying in the Manchester Grand Del Mar, when I read in the hotel's newsletter - what's it called, the U-T something? - about this cloun's attempt to horn in on a deal that got made before he even took office. As a Texan, I salute the big brass ones it takes to pull a stunt like that; but, as a Republican, I'm horrified at this intrusion of government into business. I got on the phone to the San Diego Hoteliers Association, and four hours later, I had the five largest chains in town ready to pull up stakes and turn Corpus Christi into the city that San Diego used to be."
"We had the boys in accounting to do a little homework overnight," says Mission Valley Double Tree general manager Ollie Garck, "and it turns out that actually dismantling our hotels brick by brick, hauling the pieces to Texas, and reassembling them would cost less than meeting all of Filner's demands. You know, as long AS LONG AS WE USE ILLEGALS FOR THE GRUNT WORK."(emphasis mine -jnr)
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